Ryan Waters climber and adventurer to Everest and South Pole

Adventurer. Business Owner. Author. Speaker.

At last count, Ryan has stood on the various tops of the Seven Summits around 60 times all together. In the Himalayas, he has reached the summits of 8,000 meter peaks fifteen times. He considers himself a mountain climber first, but he has also spent an inordinate amount of time on Polar skis in the Arctic and Antarctica. Ryan is a certified Polar Guide in the International Polar Guide Association and has enjoyed several records along the way.

Though personal accomplishments have been a driving force throughout his career, he considers leading trips like the following as some of the most rewarding.

  • Guiding the 1st Blind Veteran to summit Mt. Everest

  • Guiding the first Hemophiliac to climb the 7 summits

  • Guiding a double leg amputee to the summit of Aconcagua

A passionate mountain, polar skiing, and trekking guide, Ryan enjoys sharing those experiences with others and is always looking for the next adventure.