Ryan Waters is a climber, polar ski guide and adventurer


  • First American True Adventures Grand Slam (Seven Summits and Two Poles Unsupported)

  • Twenty Five Himalayan Climbing Expeditions w/ Seven Summits of Mt. Everest

  • First Unsupported/Unassisted Ski Traverse of Antarctica Landmass

  • First American to ski unsupported and unassisted trips to the North and South Poles

  • Fifteen summits of 8,000m peaks

  • Expedition Leader for Wounded Veteran Climbing Expeditions

  • Himalayan First Ascent

  • Animal Planet North Pole Documentary

  • Guided the first hemophiliac to the summit of Everest

  • Led Blind Climber, Lonnie Bedwell to the summit of Denali and Everest

  • Only person to ski unsupported and unassisted coast to South Pole expeditions via the three great routes; Hercules Inlet, Messner-Fuchs, and Berkner Island starts